Tech Support Hub Customer Terms Of Service


Welcome to Tech Support Hub! Your access and use of the website located at (the “Site”) and features, products and services provided by Valley Hudson LLC. (“”, “we”, “us” or “our”) through the Site (individually and collectively, the “Service”) are subject to the terms and conditions in these Terms of Service (these “Terms”). These Terms constitute a legal agreement between you and techsupporthub and are sometimes referred to herein as the “Agreement”.

The Service provides individuals or businesses seeking to obtain technical support services (“Customer”) with a platform where they can engage an individual seeking to provide the selected technical support service (“Tech”). A Customer will use the Service in order to select the desired services and set up a time for the Tech to perform these on-demand technical support services (a “Booking”). Customers and any other users of the Service are collectively referred to herein as “Users”. The Services and the Site are collectively referred to as the “Platform”.

Please note that the Platform is operated in the United States and is not available to, and should not be accessed and used by, residents of the European Economic Area.

By agreeing to these Terms, including by a click-through or other agreement, or by using any aspect of the Platform, you expressly acknowledge that

(a) you have read these Terms and agree to all of their terms and conditions,
(b) you are 18 years of age or older,
(c) you have the right, authority and capacity to enter into this Agreement, and
(d) if you are entering into this Agreement on behalf of an entity, you have authority to act on behalf of that entity and to bind that entity to this Agreement.

You further agree to receive all communications, agreements and notices that we provide in connection with the Platform electronically, including by e-mail, SMS text message, or by posting them on the Site or otherwise making them available through the Platform. You agree that all communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing. You must agree to these Terms in order to use the Platform, and if you do not accept these Terms then you may not use any aspect of the Platform.

These Terms contain important language governing your use of the Platform. They address, among other things, information about how we provide the Platform, how we or you may terminate the Services and/or access to the Platform, the requirements imposed on you when managing your User account (an “Account”) and how we handle disputes (which includes a class action waiver and binding arbitration in most cases).


Tech Support Hub may update these Terms at any time in its sole discretion, and techsupporthub will post the updated version of these Terms on the Site. You understand and agree that you will be deemed to have accepted the updated Terms if you use any aspect of the Platform after the updated Terms are posted. If at any point you do not agree to any portion of these Terms, you must immediately stop using the Platform. Disputes arising under these Terms will be resolved in accordance with the version of these Terms in place at the time the dispute arose. We encourage you to review these Terms frequently to stay informed of the latest modifications.

Provision of the Platform

You are responsible for any Internet connection, data usage and telecommunications fees and charges that you incur when accessing the Platform. You acknowledge and agree that techsupporthub may make changes to any aspect of the Platform at any time without notifying you in advance.
<h3″>Termination of the Platform

Tech Support Hub reserves the right to deny use of the Platform to any person or entity at techsupporthub sole and absolute discretion. You acknowledge and agree that techsupporthub may stop providing any aspect of the Platform or restrict your use of the Platform at any time, without notifying you in advance, for any reason or no reason. If techsupporthub disables your access to your Account, you may be prevented from accessing the Platform, your Account details or any materials contained in your Account.

User Accounts and Security

4.1. User Account. To access certain aspects of the Platform, you must have an Account. You can create an Account by completing the registration process on the Site.

You may be required to provide information about yourself as part of the registration process or your continued use of the Platform. You agree that any registration information that you submit to techsupporthub will be correct, accurate and up-to-date. You shall not select or use as a username a name

(a) of another person with the intent to impersonate that person;
(b) subject to any rights of a person other than you with appropriate authorization; or
(c) that is otherwise offensive, vulgar or obscene.

4.2. User Account Security. Maintaining your Account security is very important. You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your Account password and for all activities that are conducted via your Account. You agree to notify techsupporthub immediately if you become aware of any unauthorized use of your password or of your Account.

4.3. User Account Sharing or Transfers. Accounts are registered to you personally and may not be transferred at any time under any circumstances. You should not share your Account with, or disclose your password to, anyone else.

4.4. Deactivation by You. You have the right to deactivate your account at any time. You may deactivate your account by emailing us at, or by calling us at +1 716-992-6371. We may maintain a record of account and order history for deactivated accounts.

4.5. Termination by techsupporthub. may terminate your Account at any time for any reason or no reason, including if:

(a) Tech Support Hub determines that you are

(i) in breach of or otherwise acting inconsistently with these Terms or

(ii) engaging in fraudulent or illegal activities or other conduct that may result in liability to techsupporthub;

(b) techsupporthub determines it is required by law to terminate your Account; or

(c) techsupporthub decides to stop providing the Platform or critical portions of the Platform. When terminating your Account, techsupporthub may delete the Account and all the information in it. You have no ownership rights to your Account.

4.6. Effect of User Account Deactivation. If you voluntarily deactivate your Account, you may reactivate that Account at any time by contacting us via email at, or by telephone at +1 716-992-6371. Accounts terminated by techsupporthub for any type of abuse including, without limitation, a violation of these Terms, may not be reactivated for any reason without the consent of techsupporthub, which may be withheld in techsupporthub’s sole and absolute discretion.

Cancellation and Rescheduling

Our cancellation and rescheduling policies are posted at cancellation-policy and may be updated from time to time without notice.

Pricing and Payments

6.1. Fees and Payments. All prices, fees and other amounts for the Platform are set forth on the Site (the “Fees”). All amounts shall be expressed and paid in United States Dollars. All Fees are subject to change at any time without notice; no Fee is confirmed until the checkout process is complete. The Fees may include a platform fee, in which case such platform fee will be indicated as a line item at checkout. Except as otherwise expressly set forth herein or as expressly approved by techsupporthub in writing in its sole discretion, all payments made are final and non-refundable and a User shall not have the right to cancel its purchase for any reason. If you use PayPal or any other payment or financial mechanism (“Payment Provider”), the applicable Payment Provider agreement governs your use of such Payment Provider, and you should refer to that agreement, and not these Terms, to determine your rights and liabilities with respect thereto. YOU REPRESENT AND WARRANT THAT YOU HAVE THE LEGAL RIGHT TO USE ANY PAYMENT MEANS USED TO INITIATE ANY TRANSACTION. All information that you provide to us or our third-party payment processors must be accurate, current and complete. You will also be responsible for paying any applicable taxes relating to payments that you make. techsupporthub shall have no liability or responsibility to you or any other third party in connection with the accuracy of the Payment Provider information provided by you or your use of any Payment Provider (including any fees charged by such Payment Provider in connection with such use).

6.2. Payment Processing. When you make a Booking, we will place a hold on the credit card that you provide to us at the time of Booking, such hold in the amount of the anticipated charge for the applicable Booking. Upon your marking the Booking as complete via the mobile app for Techs or other method facilitated by techsupporthub such credit card will be charged if payment was not made via other means on the Platform. You may change the payment method at any time prior to job completion by emailing us at, or by calling us at +1 716-992-6371. Fees for cancellations and rescheduled Bookings, in accordance with the cancellation and rescheduling policies referred to in Section 5, will be charged to the credit card provided at the time of Booking.

6.3. Failed Transactions. In the event that techsupporthub is unable to successfully charge any linked payment instrument, techsupporthub will notify you via email. Upon techsupporthub notification to you of such failure, you agree to link a new, valid payment instrument as soon as possible but in any event within three (3) business days. Your techsupporthub Account may be disabled until a valid payment instrument is provided and the outstanding uncharged balance is resolved by techsupporthub. Tech Support Hub is not responsible for any charges imposed by the issuer of your payment instrument as a result of any failed charge by techsupporthub. To the extent that techsupporthub is unable to successfully charge any payment instrument linked to your Account as payment for authorized transactions for more than thirty (30) days, you understand and agree that techsupporthub may employ a collection agency or other business in an effort to collect any outstanding debts and fees associated with your User Account, and you will not contest the use of a third party to collect the debt and fees owed to techsupporthub. You agree that you will be responsible for any legal, court, arbitration or collection agency fees associated with rectifying your account and all monies owed thereunder. You agree that techsupporthub, or any agency or business employed by techsupporthub, has the right to contact you and your heirs via telephone, email or in-person using the information you provided upon registration or during any contact with techsupporthub, in an effort to collect any monies and fees owed under your account, whether specifically referenced in these Terms or not, and such contact may be made in a manual or automated fashion.

Restrictions and Conditions of Use

7.1. Use Restrictions. techsupporthub permits you to view and use the Platform solely for your own personal or limited commercial use, as applicable, in either case not inconsistent with the intended purpose of the Platform. Furthermore, you agree that you will not:

  • Cause, permit or authorize the modification, creation of derivative works, translation, reverse engineering, decompiling, disassembling or hacking of the Platform;
  • Sell, assign, rent, lease, act as a service bureau, or grant rights in the Platform, including, without limitation, through sublicense, to any other person or entity without the prior written consent of techsupporthub;
  • Make any false, misleading or deceptive statement or representation regarding techsupporthub or the Platform;
  • Institute, assist, or become involved in any type of attack including, without limitation, denial of service attacks, upon the Platform (or any servers, systems or networks connected to the Platform) or otherwise attempt to obstruct, disrupt or interfere with the operation of the Platform or any other person’s or entity’s use of the Platform (or any servers, systems or networks connected to the Platform);
  • Attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Platform, accounts registered to other Users, or any servers, systems or networks connected to the Platform;
  • Use the Platform for any commercial purpose unless consistent with these Terms and the intended use of the Platform;
  • Use the Platform to develop, generate, transmit or store information that is defamatory, harmful, abusive, obscene or hateful;
  • Use the Platform to upload, post, e-mail or otherwise transmit any material that constitutes unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, “junk mail,” “spam,” “chain letters,” “pyramid schemes,” or any other form of solicitation or commercial electronic message;
  • Breach any agreements you enter into with any third parties;
  • Use the Platform for any unlawful, prohibited, abnormal or unusual activity as determined by techsupporthub in its sole discretion;
  • Use the Platform to engage in any activity that (i) constitutes harassment or a violation of privacy or threatens other people or groups of people; (ii) is harmful to children in any manner; (iii) constitutes phishing, pharming or impersonates any other person or entity, or steals or assumes any person’s identity (whether a real identity or online nickname or alias); or (iv) violates any applicable law, ordinance, rule, regulation, treaty or self-regulatory guidelines;
  • Improperly obtain or attempt to improperly obtain any information or data from the Platform including, without limitation, email addresses or mobile phone numbers of other Users;
  • Intercept, examine or otherwise observe any proprietary communications protocol used by the Platform, whether through the use of a network analyser, packet sniffer or other device; or
  • Use any type of bot, spider, virus, clock, timer, counter, worm, software lock, drop dead device, Trojan horse, trap door, time bomb or any other codes, instructions or third party software that is designed to provide a means of surreptitious or unauthorized access to, or distort, delete, damage or disassemble, any aspect of the Platform.


We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to modify or replace these Terms at any time without notifying you first. Your use of the site after any such modification constitutes your acceptance to follow and be bound by these terms as modified. The last date on which these terms were revised is indicated above.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about these Terms, please contact us by email