To make the WL WN530A3 AC1200 Router Setup process extremely understandable and easy we have divided the process into various steps. So let’s begin with it.
Next, place the WL WN530A3 AC1200 Router in the center of your home or office. Keep it near your existing modem so that it can easily connect with it. Further avoid placing the router near thick concrete walls and also do not place any electronic or metal objects near to it.
Once you are done with the placement it’s time to power on the router. For this take the provided DC5V power adapter. Now connect it to the power port of the router and then plug it in the wall socket. Switch it on and let the power LED turn solid green.
In the WL WN530A3 AC1200 Router Setup process the next step is downloading and installing the Wavlink application on our device. So to download it search for the app named Wavlink. Tap on the download option and it will take a few seconds or a minute to complete the installation.
Further open the app on your device and login using the default username and password. It is usually admin for both fields or admin for username and password for password. But always see these details from the provided user manual. As you login, just start following the directions that the app shows on the screen. Finally the WL WN530A3 AC1200 Router Setup is all done.